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Monitor Equipment Status in Real Time

1. Real-time equipment monitoring, early fault warning and diagnosis:

Use equipment status monitoring/fault diagnosis technology to realize remote monitoring of equipment operating status, abnormal early warning, and online fault diagnosis analysis to achieve three-dimensional and comprehensive visual monitoring of equipment status



2. Upgrade from "passive response" to "predictive protection" and "active maintenance" to reduce unplanned downtime:

All relevant personnel can obtain early warning and diagnostic information of the equipment on the same platform at the first time, and promptly notify relevant personnel of their attention. Equipment operation status, providing maintenance/operation suggestions



3. Information management of the entire life cycle of equipment:

Integrate equipment maintenance process information and operation process information to achieve unified management and utilization of equipment maintenance process information, and establish an equipment quality case library


4. Comprehensive and three-dimensional equipment maintenance system combined with the traditional inspection system:

By upgrading traditional inspection methods and means, opening up the channel between the automatic collection system and manual inspection data, establishing multi-level and all-round equipment maintenance system to reduce inspection workload and improve safety margin



5. Training:

Provide technical training to operation and maintenance personnel to improve maintenance capabilities and shorten maintenance cycles



6. Integration of energy saving and maintenance:

Through the extraction and analysis of system process parameters, find out the working condition matching relationship between the equipment, boiler and pipe network, and establish the optimal adjustment control between the fan, main equipment and pipe network working conditions. This strategy enables the equipment to operate in the highest efficiency range for a long time, achieving the purpose of reducing energy consumption and improving economic benefits.